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90% of women say they have cellulite. If you are one of the 61%  that want to do something about it, know there isn’t a single factor target to solve the problem. Increased cumulative sun damage and body fat, as well as skin laxity and loss of integrity and thickness of the skin all play a role.


EMTONE is the first and only device that simultaneously delivers both thermal and mechanical energy to treat all major contributing factors to cellulite.  

Before / After

How Does EMTONE Work?


Cellulite is a multi-factorial problem. Women are told fibrous bands run from skin to muscle through the fat. When the bands pull downward on the skin, the fat pushes upward. But there is more to the story…

Emtone simultaneously emits both radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy. Combined there is a synergistic effect that neither technology can achieve on its own.